1.What is reverse power relay? 2. What will you do if one of your labour got electric Shock? 3.What is SF6 Circuit Breaker? 4. What is 2 phase motor? 5. One Yard is equal to how many meter? 6. What is Automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)? 7. Why temperature rise is conducted in bus bars and isolators? 8. What is CPR? 9. What is the rate of breaths and chest compressionin CPR 10.What is Latching current? 11. Why did you choose Electrical Field? 12. What is the function of anti-pumping in circuit breaker? 13. What is meant by armature reaction? 15. How many First Aiders is required in a Company where 150 Labours are working? 16. What will happen if DC supply is given on the primary of a transformer? 17. If one lamp connects between two phases it will glow or not? 18. Do you know about Laws and regulations to follow in Electrical Safety? Published by http://commoninterviewquestions-new.blogspot.com
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