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Showing posts from May, 2015


1) Tell me about Yourself? 2) What is Computer Misuse? 3) Tell me about cyber squatting? 4) Tell me about Cyber Space and internet? 5) Tell me some Cyber crimes? 6) What all technical knowledge is required to work in this field? 7) Do you have any work experience in this field? 8) What is Legal Right? 9) How Cyber crime Effect the Nation? 10) Tell me about Domain Name? 11) Who is internet service provider? 12) What is Defamation? 13) How does Cyber crime affect the Nations Economy? 14) What is Copy Right? 15) How copyrighted software are protected?


The following questions may be asked when interviewing a MBBS passed candidate 1) Why did you choose Medical Profession? 2) Is there any of your family members being a doctor. 3) What do you feel when a person is dying in front of you? 4) What will you do when you are in ICU and a Patient grasping. 5) What all cases you attended during your internship? 6) Is there any of your friends working in our institution? 7) Are you interested in continuing Education? 8) In which department you are interested to work?


1.What is reverse power relay? 2. What will you do if one of your labour got electric Shock? 3.What is SF6 Circuit Breaker? 4. What is 2 phase motor? 5. One Yard is equal to how many meter? 6. What is Automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)? 7. Why temperature rise is conducted in bus bars and isolators? 8. What is CPR? 9. What is the rate of breaths and chest compressionin CPR 10.What is Latching current? 11. Why did you choose Electrical Field? 12. What is the function of anti-pumping in circuit breaker?