Now a days Health and safety is also major requirement in construction sites, so when recruiting a civil engineer or managers the following questions may be asked along with the theoretical and civil practical knowledge 1) Tell me about yourself and your civil field knowledge? 2) What are the main reasons of building collapse? 3) What is the force exerted by the Tacoma narrows bridge? 4) Which one is more strong in solid steel rod and hollow steel pipe? 5) Which building is tallest in the world? 6) What is soil reinforcement? 7) By accident one person fell into the well in your construction site, what arrangements will you do immediately? 8) A Rope having length 100cm. you can form any shape using the rope for example, Triangle, Rectangle. Which shape will covers maximum area? 9) What do you do when a labour fall from height when you are on duty? 10) State Building Codes 11) Why are steel plates inserted inside bearings in elastome...
Common Interview Questions and Answers